Funded Projects

In the Silicon Eurocluster project, we launched an Open call for Demonstration Projects and 12 projects were funded in this programme. These are those who were funed projects:

  • AIWeeder: AI for smart weeding support for farmers (Bulgaria)
  • DDFA:  Danger Detect & Fatality Avoidance (Austria, Italy)
  • DECT NR+: World first non-cellular private 5G DECT NR+L connectivity for health care applications (Germany)
  • Green-Grid: Green Energy Harvesting for a Global IoT-Powered Grid (Spain, France)
  • Listen and Predict:Develop and test IoT sensor boxes (Sweden, Germany)
  • LPS-OCF: Open Circuit Finder for Lightning Protection Systems Latvia, Estonia
  • MAISOR: Implementation and demonstration of a microelectronics chip for Edge-AI computing into a high-resolution vapor sensor for olive oil classification (France, Spain)
  • NetQRNG: NETwork Raspberry Pi-based Quantum Random Number Generator (Belgium, Italy)
  • SEPOC OPV:  Energy harvester for Self-Powered Camera (France, Belgium)
  • SIMPRINT:  Simplified Mobile Printer with Increased Autonomy (Austria)
  • SollTech:  Sensor based IoT technology for protecting off-season tourism infrastructure (Slovenia, Croatia)
  • VerIoT:  System for verification and optimization of emerging IoT RFID (Austria, Germany)

 The text for the open call can be found in this link

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”