
DDFA - Danger Detect & Fatality Avoidance

DDFA will work on technology that not only mitigates accidents in low-digitised construction and production environments, but also avoids fatalities in case of danger

This is done via smart wearables and small hardware units applicable to the environment. This project will be developed by Flasher from Asutria as the coordinator and technology provider and Kofler& Rech from Italy as industry player.

This project is leaded by the company FLASHER GMBH, their role in the project will be the coordination and technology provider.

In the project the company KOFLER & RECH will also participate as the industry player to test the solution /

Safe or dangerous areas on company premises or construction sites can be marked dynamically with our hardware-software solution. Based on the concrete position of employees relative to a marked zone, light, vibration, wireless-notification events, or functional adaptions of nearby machines can be triggered automatically. This enables different emergency detection and warning-capabilities for workers and their surroundings.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”