SIMPRINT: Simplified Mobile Printer with Increased Autonomy
SIMPRINT is an ambitious project aimed at developing a small yet powerful outdoor printing robot with exceptional autonomous capabilities and unparalleled user-friendliness. By combining advanced sensors and artificial intelligence software with our expertise in printing and robotics, we're creating a smart solution that not only replaces manual work but also maximizes the potential of sustainable technology.
The key achievement of the project is the SIMPRINT Robot Prototype: A small, simple, and user-friendly outdoor printing robot with outstanding autonomous capabilities. This prototype is designed to revolutionize how we approach large-scale printing, eliminating dependence on manual labor.
This project will be coordinated by
ARTI - Autonomous Robot Technology GmbH
as the technology provider of AI robotic, software and platform and they will work in collaboration with Pixelrunner as the industrial end-user of large-scale printing. Both entities are coming from Austria as our technological provider and the monitorization of the project is being carried out by Silicon Alps .
SIMPRINT not only represents a technological leap but also a step towards a more sustainable future. By reducing dependence on manual labor, we're contributing to efficiency and the implementation of environmentally-friendly technologies in the large-scale printing industry.
“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”