SollTech: Sensor based IoT technology for protecting off-season tourism infrastructure
Solltech technology for protecting off-season infrastructure in tourism for glamping and mobile houses operators
Glamping industry suffers from off-season issues with high air humidity relating to creation of mould, swelling of wood, with no real solution currently on the market to adress it. This prevents the whole industry from growing and annually creates a lot of infrastrucuture damage creating large losses and health hazards. Solltech has developed a sensor based technological solution for preventing high air humidity buildup and all related issues paving the way for this industry to grow sustainably and safely.
Solltech plans to develop and test a senzor contolled IoT device capable or autonomous operations ensuring humidity levels during off season times remain below 70% in mobile houses used in the tourism sector. Solltech will also be able to predict needed replacement of filters and UV lamps and will send real time data to a cloud based platform allowing remote contolling of ambient temperature and humidity values.
This project will be coordinated by
from Slovenia as the technology owner and they will work in collaboration with PINIESTA as the tourism operator in Croatia. The project is being monitored by Mobile Heigths .
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