Listen and Predict project funded under Silicon Euroclusters project!
This initiative will develop and test IoT sensor boxes, with new functionalities, in four cities in Germany which will help to prevent water losses, and leakages occur as these occur all over the networks of water and district heating systems. Replacement is capital intensive and causes CO2 emission and blocked streets. In the project New features will be added to exsiting solutions to find weak and degraded pipe sections and report sections useful for decades.
The specifi objectives of the project are:
- Add new functions to existing solution
- New design sensor PCBs and firmware
- Complete single sensor box assembly
- New sensor boxes installed in four cities in Germany,
- Initiated process to evaluate the boxes and the analytics.
This solution will solve a challenge and problem that is common in hundreds of European cities, with old district heating networks. Steel pipe networks are getting old and corroded. The sensor box technology can by acoustic methods measure the condition of a pipe (average strength of the steel walls), the aging trend and predict when preventive repair or replacements is needed, just-in-time before a pipe rupture or leakage.
The project will be developed by Upwis from Sweden and Arne Jensen AB. Customer and evaluator is AGFW , Germany District Heating Association.
This project is being monitored by Mobile Heights
“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”