Project Silicon Europe Worldwide ends after two years of joint European collaboration
“The events organized by Silicon Europe Worldwide were a vital ingredient to successfully expand our business to clients in Taiwan.” (Heinz Martin Esser, Fabmatics GmbH)
Two years went by way too fast. The team of Silicon Europe wants to say thank you – to all companies which contributed to our actions, all Taiwanese and US-American organizations and associations for helping us getting a foot in the markets as well as organizing fruitful events for our European SMEs in the target markets and, of course, our Silicon Europe partner clusters for sharing the message among their networks and contributing to the success of several events – THANK YOU!
The project Silicon Europe Worldwide
The project Silicon Europe Worldwide was initiated to support European high-tech SMEs to go to Taiwan and the US. Here is what our team accomplished:
In total, eight events were (co-)organized for European SMEs by Silicon Europe Worldwide of which three took place in the target countries, Taiwan and the US:
· European Innovation Week in Taipei, Taiwan (30.05. – 03.06.2016)
· Fact-finding Mission USA in Albany, Syracuse and Rochester, NY (14-18.11.2016)
· Business Connection Forum Brussels 2017 (28.06.2017)
· SEMICON Taiwan (13.-15.09.2017)
· Business Connection Forum Albany 2017 (03.-05.10.2017)
More than 130 European SMEs participated in the organized actions. In addition, more than 30 other European clusters benefited of the events. Nearly 100 SMEs established an initial contact with either the US or Taiwan over the course of the two project years. Around 20 of them defined a next step and some even signed an MoU or LoI (to our knowledge). We are certain that even more business was created confidentially in the more than 500 set up meetings during the project.
Success Stories
Next to successfully established initial contacts and businesses, the Silicon Europe team signed two MoUs – one with TAITRA and one with NY loves Nanotech. Delegations of both organizations are regularly visiting SEMICON Europa where concrete actions between the target countries and Europe are planned or executed. The collaborations are thus secured even after the end of the funded project Silicon Europe Worldwide. Another success was the first Silicon Europe joint booth @SEMICON Taiwan which will be organized for 2018 again.
Voices of SMEs
“In September 2017, EpiGaN participated in a joint booth at the Semicon Taiwan Show organised by Silicon Europe Worldwide. EpiGaN really appreciated the opportunity to attend one of the global leading Semiconductor events through the collaboration and organisation of the different Silicon Europe clusters. EpiGaN’s booth presence was perfect to meet with existing and also link-up with potentially new Asian customers. The possibility to present the company and products in a specially organized exhibitor forum was excellent and generated good awareness and visibility for EpiGaN. Furthermore, the interaction with the European colleagues at the joint enriched the overall experience. We will certainly consider to participate in 2018 again.” (Dr. Markus Behet, EpiGaN)
“As a start-up, we appreciated the preparatory work of Silicon Europe Worldwide who took the burden of organizing a booth at SEMICON Taiwan 2017. Thanks to the joint booth, we had a much bigger visibility in Taiwan than we could have had on our own.” (Thomas Jerman, Bright Red Systems)
“Dinycon Sistemas” participated in the Business Connection Forum in Albany (New York, USA) in October 2017. This event has been a great opportunity to meet both Clusters as well business persons and local Companies and offered us a great opportunity to explore the USA market and to learn about the potential of this market for our company, also to know the main research lines. It certainly opened perspectives for the future.“ (Roberto Garcia Lafuente, Dinycon Sistemas)