Call for projects

The call for demonstration projects of microelectronics systems under the Eurocluster project is open since 28th of march. In this open call for demonstration projects we expect to fund 12 market-oriented projects involving consortia with at least 2 SMEs. Funded projects will receive up to 80.000€ and the total budget of the open call is 960.000 €.

Link for the project submmission

We are expecting technological solutions including a prototype (demonstrator) of a microelectronics system and which may also include other technologies such as radio communications, cybersecurity, energy harvesting, AI, sensors, or photonics.

Eligible projects may include:

  • Investigation of technical and design requirements.
  • Development of prototypes or demonstration versions of products or services. This may also include pilot work, testing and validation.
  • Planning and carrying out studies/testing to verify an innovation.
  • Investigation of market conditions, such as identifying customers, customer needs, potential partners, and competitors

The call was open from 28/03/2023 until the 31/05/2023 at 17.00 CET.

Updated information about the call

An informative webinar with Q&A session was organized on the 18th of April and a new one on the 03rd of may has been organized at 10.00 CET.

Registration for the second webinar

Silicon Eurocluster project aims to achieve greater European self-sufficiency with increased competitiveness and resilience in the electronics value chain paying attention to SME

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”