
EcoMobility World Festival in Kaohsiung, Taiwan

On 1 October, the EcoMobility World Festival started in Kaohsiung. Approximately 900 scientists and experts from Germany and abroad came together in the southern Taiwanese port metropolis to discuss current trends in sustainable urban mobility and environmentally friendly urban development. At the opening, Prime Minister Lai Ching-Te said the event showed how determined the government is to promote eco-mobility for sustainable urban development. For example, funding of NT $ 300 to 400 million (approximately € 8.39 to € 11.19 million) was granted under the Foresight Infrastructure Development Program for Rail Transport Development. Two other key initiatives are a five-year project to promote electric motorcycles with a budget of NT $ 7.2 billion (about € 201.5 million) and a four-year program with a budget of NT $ 3 billion (approx. EUR 83.96 million) to reduce traffic congestion in cities by analyzing large amounts of data and other intelligent technologies, the Prime Minister said. The festival, held every two years, took place in the South Korean city of Suwon for the first time four years ago and is a major project of the ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, a global association of over 1500 cities, municipalities and counties for environmental protection and sustainable development.

Source: Taiwan representation of Germany, Berlin