
Policy Workshop in Brussels

KETs as drivers for the reindustrialisation of Europe – how to make it work for the SMEs? – the example of microelectronics –

The Saxony Liaison Office Brussels, Avenue d’Auderghem 67, B-1040 Brussels


Micro- and nanoelectronics are essential for sustainable growth. As a Key Enabling Technology, micro- and nanoelectronics, including the use and production of semiconductors, are crucial for all goods and services which need intelligent control and communication. This applies to sectors as diverse as transportation (including automotive and aeronautics), health, security and energy.

Based on the findings from 24 months of project implementation, Silicon Europe partners would like to discuss with you the challenges and opportunities with regard to reindustrialisation of Europe that arise from micro- and nanoelectronics and its role as a key enabling technology.

The members of the European Parliament as well as representatives of industry, research institutes and regional authorities are warmly welcome to give an insight into their respective views.


4.30 – 5.00 pm
Reception & Welcome

  • Wolf-Eberhard Kuhl – Saxony Liaison Office Brussels
  • Heinz Kundert – SEMI Europe

5.00 – 5.15 pm
Key Note 1 – The view of large players

  • Dr. Fred van Roosmalen – NXP Semiconductors (NL)

5.15 – 5.30 pm
Key Note 2 – Success story of ECSEL and the role of SMEs in the program

  • Dr. Andreas Wild – ECSEL JU

5.30 – 5.45 pm
Key Note 3 – The view o a former start-up

  • Dr. Nelly Kernevez – SOITEC (F)

5.45 – 6.30 pm
Panel discussion – Policy recommendation and cross-cluster networking as key succes factor

  • Dr. Fred van Roosmalen – NXP Semiconductors (NL)
  • Dr. Laurent Hérault – CEA Leti (Laboratory for Electronics & Information Technology (F))
  • Dr. Andreas Wild – ECSEL JU
  • Jochen Donauer – SMWA (Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport (D))
  • Dr. Ir. Jo De Boeck – IMEC (Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (BE))

Moderator: Martina Rattinger – EU-Representation Office of Carinthia (A)

From 6.30 pm
Networking event

Download agenda

As the number of places is limited please confirm your participation by fax (+49 (0)351 89 25 801) or email ( by October 22nd.

In case there are any questions, please don´t hesitate to contact us.

Frank Bösenberg
(Project Coordinator Silicon Europe)

Phone: +49 (0)351 89 25 800