
Silicon Saxony: Chinese delegation visit

  • Prior to Hannover Messe, a Chinese delegation visited the IIoT Lab in Dresden. Robert Ringel (HTW Dresden) gives intersting insights in tomorrow's manufacturing world.

On their way to Hannover Messe, a Chinese delegation from the north of Bejing visited Dresden.

The 26 entrepreneurs who own companies in the steel and heavy industry just got one day in the Saxon capital but used it wisely. The delegation visited the University of Applied Sciences in Dresden where they got to know Silicon Saxony - the region and the network - as well as its Industrial IoT (IIoT) Testbed. The IIoT Testbed is a research and evaluation infrastructure for IoT solutions in the manufacturing environment. During the two-hour visit of the delegation, technologies of the Smart Factory were presented which gave a comprehensive insight into the manufacturing world of tomorrow. The delegates were mainly interested in robotics for their production facilities and got useful contacts during their trip.

We wish the delegation successful days in Hannover!