
Silicon Saxony featured in the French Le Monde

On September 13, Silicon Saxony was featured in the French daily newspaper "Le Monde". In there, Saxony is praised for its spectacular economic recovery.

It says:

"The Land is a model region in the East. For its dynamic economy (2.7% growth, compared with 1.9% in the country), the weakness of its unemployment (6.4% in August, compared with 7.4% in the rest of the East Germany), and the quality of its teaching (the first German region in the PISA ranking)." (translated from French)


"Saxony has also been the target of massive investments in recent years, notably the automobile industry, which employs 80,000 people in the region. [..S]ome experts predict a great future: two hours from Berlin, the German digital capital, Dresden and its region could become the unavoidable centers of the new phase of the current revolution, which connects industry and the Internet, called Germany Industry 4.0 (in France, "Industry of the Future").At the heart of this revolution is a piece: the semiconductor, or the electronic chip. This key component of all electronic systems is currently being expanded with the automation of industrial production, the autonomous mobility of vehicles and the Internet of objects. A boon for Saxony: in the days of the German Democratic Republic, the region was already the first center of flea production in the Eastern bloc. After the reunification of the country, despite the economic shock, the region has maintained this specialty in its technical universities and applied research centers - such as the Fraunhofer Institute - in the hope of attracting investors." (translated from French)

Complete article