
Foxconn invests 10 billion US dollars in the USA

The Taiwanese electronics giant Foxconn is willing to invest up to $ 10 billion in the construction of a TFT-LCD manufacturing facility in Wisconsin.

Terry Gou, chairman of the Taiwanese electronics giant Foxconn, and Scott Walker, governor of Wisconsin, signed an MOU on August 3 to build a display panel plant in the US state. The agreement was made after Terry Gou and US president Donald Trump had jointly announced the project "Flying Eagle" in the White House the day before. Under the agreement, Foxconn is willing to invest up to $ 10 billion in the construction of a TFT-LCD manufacturing facility in Wisconsin, with the first phase of the project completed within four years and the second phase completed within a further two years. The project is to be completed in six years.

Foxconn also agreed to create around 13,000 jobs over a period of up to six years with an estimated average annual salary of $ 53,875. In return, the governor of Wisconsin promised to provide the company with economic incentives of up to $ 3 billion, including a VAT exemption for the construction period, as well as tax credits (reimbursable Enterprise Zone Credits) for invested capital and created jobs.

Terry Gou told media representatives after the solemn signing that he was deeply impressed by the government's strong efforts for foreign investment. He said he met three times with Trump to talk about Foxconn's investment plans in the United States and described this as a president, who attaches great importance to the economic development of the country and really understands the "needs of entrepreneurs".

Source: Taiwan representation of Germany, Berlin