
Training and Upskilling Driving Business Growth

Microelectronics is an essential component of virtually all aspects of our daily lives and chips are strategic assets for key industrial value chains in Europe. With the European Chips Act, the EU wants to address semiconductor shortages and strengthen Europe’s technological leadership.

One of the key objectives of the act is to address the acute skills shortage, attract new talent and support the emergence of a skilled workforce in the EU. Companies of all sizes and types across the entire value chain are affected by the talent shortage. In particular, start-ups and SMEs often lack the capacity and facilities to offer training programs and, thus, to attract potential employees.

The number of open vacancies in the semiconductor sector in Europe is growing at an alarming rate and the lack of talent has become a real bottleneck to future growth.

Since its launch in 2018, METIS (MicroElectronics Training, Industry and Skills) aimed at bridging the skills gap in the microelectronics sector for a more competitive Europe.

The Sector Skills Alliance, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, brings together a consortium of 18 key partners to develop skills intelligence, deliver a METIS catalogue of training and promote microelectronics as a career choice.

The METIS project implements a new strategic approach to sectoral cooperation on skills for microelectronics by involving the key players across the industry, education and training, and regulatory/certification bodies.

During this webinar, attendees will learn more about:

  • The METIS catalogue of courses, including trainings in the four main areas of microelectronics (from Introduction to Semiconductors, to packaging technology, AI and many more).
  • Concrete examples of courses and experiences by education and training providers and their students/trainers
  • Long-term opportunities offered by METIS value added resources.

More info & free registration