
The Semiconductor Rendez-vous

Smart and sustainable future technologies in microelectronics

Powered by IPCEI: Important Project of Common European Interest

Three major European leaders in microelectronics – STMicroelectronics, Soitec, and Lynred – will visit Lund in Sweden on October 13-14 to share their technological knowledge in microelectronics.

The event is designed to disseminate the benefits and results generated through the IPCEI on Microelectronics, and will address questions such as:

  • What are these technologies all about and what do they enable?
  • How could the Swedish ecosystem benefit from these technologies?
  • What are the actual outcomes of the IPCEI on Microelectronics project?

The conference is hosted in collaboration between two Silicon Europe Alliance partners: Mobile Heights and Minalogic.

Date/Time: October 13-14 (lunch-to-lunch)

Location: Grand Hotel in Lund, Sweden

Programme and registration