

DeepTech4Good is an Acceleration Programme, financed under the Horizon 2020 framework, committed to help Deep Tech startups accelerate their development and scale up at European level. 4 application domains: Health & Well-being, Industry 4.0, Smart Mobility, Smart City. DeepTech4Good is led by 4 innovation hubs from Germany, France, Austria and Spain, working together to identify high potential Deep Tech startups. DeepTech4Good project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 780842.

Startup, if you want to apply for the next event in GRAZ:

Apply by January 31st, 2019

Official Presentation

Start-Ups in the categories

Why apply

Become one of the finalists of the DeepTech4good events:

  • Pitch your project, meet European VCs and attract private funding
  • Meet corporate players and create business opportunities
  • Participate to collaborative projects emergence and attract public funding for innovation and R&D projects
  • Participate to the DT4G Programme, if you are among the final winners