
ARTEMIS-IA Brokerage Event 2018 in Berlin

In 2018, ECSEL Joint Undertaking will open its fifth Call. ARTEMIS Industry Association organises the ARTEMIS Brokerage Event 2018 in Berlin to help with the drafting of project proposals and finding the right consortium partners. About 250 participants from all over Europe are expected to attend this event.

The ARTEMIS Brokerage Event focusses specifically on Embedded Intelligence (Embedded & Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things and Digital Platforms) related project proposals for relevant Calls, such as the ECSEL-JU Calls and H2020 Calls.

The ECSEL Calls 2018 will be based on the ECSEL Work Plan 2018.

This event provides an important indication for Public Authorities to sense the field of interest in advance and informs on the Embedded Components and Systems Strategic Research Agenda 2018 (ECS-SRA). The ECS-SRA has been prepared by the three industry associations in ECSEL and is the basis for the Multi-Annual Strategic Plan 2018 (MASP) of ECSEL-JU.

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Date & Venue

6 February 2018 12:00 - 7 February 2018 16:00
Maritim proArte Hotel Berlin, Friedrichstraße 151, 10117 Berlin

Target groups
All stakeholders (academics, SME, Industrials, RTO) interested to join projects related to Embedded Intelligence (Embedded & Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things and Digital Platforms)
