
NANOTECH Cluster SME Mission

The EU-JAPAN CENTRE for Industrial CooperationCentre is currently inviting EU Clusters and SMEs to apply to the next nanotech mission to Japan in February 2018. The mission is organised on the fringes of "nano tech 2018" International Nanotechnology Exhibition & Conference in Tokyo, Japan.

The Nanotech Cluster/SMEr mission coincides with the  “nano tech - International Nanotechnology Exhibition and Conference” in Tokyo. During the fair (3 days) you will attend  B2B meetings and meet with Japanese visitors.

In order to maximize your partnering opportuni­ties, you will be able to exhibit in  the EU-Japan Centre booth.

A month before the mission, an online pre-departure briefing will help you prepare for the mission to ensure you get the most out of it.

Professional interpreters will be on hand during the trade fair to help you communicate with potential Japanese business partners. Based on materials you provide, the EU-Japan Centre will arrange Japanese-language posters to promote your product at the EU Delegation booth at the trade fair.


Through this mission you will have the opportunity to: 

  • display your technology at one of Japan’s leading trade shows
  • meet potential business partners
  • create new business opportunities
  • develop partnerships and business cooperation on global markets
  • attend match-making events
  • increase your innovation capacity and become more competitive on a global scale (as an  SME)
  • prepare the ground for practical cluster cooperation across borders and make a more strategic use of transnational cluster cooperation on markets outside Europe in areas of strategic interest (as a cluster)


The programme targets participants from SMEs (large companies may apply but will not be given priority) and clusters from the EU or COSME partnering countries, active in sectors covered by the trade fair, i.e:

  • Nano Materials
  • Nano Evaluation & Measurement
  • Nano Fabrication Technology


The main criteria for selection are: 

  • the professional & educational background of the candidate;
  • the strategy of the participant's company regarding Japan.

In order to ensure a high degree of personal attention, the number of participants in this mission is limited to 20.


The EU-Japan Centre covers all costs directly related to the mission (i.e. lectures and seminars, group study trips, including travel outside Tokyo, trade fair registration, booth rental & printing service to give participants more visibility, access to the partnering system; interpretation during B2B meetings and simultaneous interpretation during individual presentation at the fair).

The participants' companies must cover travel costs to/from Japan, accommodation and any other costs not covered directly by the EU-Japan Centre (living expenses).

Participation is free. On top, SMEs and clusters benefit from a €600 grant.

Application deadline: 26 October 2017