TechConnect World Innovation Conference in Washington D. C.
From May 14 - 17, 2017, the TechConnect World Innovation Conference takes place in Wahsington, D. C..
The conference is an annual event uniquely designed to accelerate the commercialization of innovations out of the lab and into industry. The Technical Program spotlights applications focused innovations, materials and devices emerging from industrial, government and academic laboratories worldwide. The Innovation Partnering Program gathers market-ready, commercially-viable, innovations into the largest global technology accelerator program.
It brings together the brightest and most productive innovators, funding agencies, national and federal labs, international research organizations, universities, tech transfer offices and investment and corporate partners in Washington D. C.
The 2017 TechConnect World Innovation event encompasses Nanotech2017 amongst others – the world’s largest nanotechnology event.
For more information on the event, please have a look here: